Mama's Village
Meaningful Connection & Support
Mama's Village is a gameworld for mothers, children and other members of the village, to create meaningful connections that create immediate support for mothers, by playing with a team, weekly rotations and commitment to help each other grow up and evolve.
Commitment & Practices
Children of Earth
Mama's Village aims to create a network of mothers that come together, committed to supporting each other in the journey of being a mother, through practices of adulthood initiations, healing, love and compassion, connection, care for the children and the earth.
Mama's Village is a real-life, multi-player, non-hierarchical, online and offline, game. It's free of costs or fees, open source copy left, meaning that anyone is encouraged to use this information to organize their own Mama's Village Network.
What is a gameworld?
A gameworld is a bubble, created from thin air, in time and space, which holds certain kind of energy and it's defined by rules of engagement, boundaries, distinctions, context, and a gameworld codex. A game only works when the players play by the rules.
Playing by the rules is only possible after you have grown out of your conflictive adolescent rebellious state. Growing out of this state can be done by completing incomplete emotions and going through adulthood initiations. This transformative experiences create new fabrics of reality in your world, so that you can stand up on your own two feet, as a radically responsible adult serving the bright principles (conscious), instead of the shadow principles (unconscious).
Team Playing
Bring back the fun!
Mama's Village aims to provide immediate, meaningful support for the current daily needs and responsibilities of mothers, through engaging in a real life multiplayer action game, where you get to play with a team, weekly interactions with the team, coming together, sourcing inner and outer resources, developing and bringing forward our individual gifts.
The team organization is not hierarchical, there's no boss, no leader, it's organic, meaning that it changes, from place to place, with the different situations that are faced. There are teams of 3 to 6 people, your team, and the ways in which each one of you is connected to other teams, that forms the Mama's Village Network. Resources travel from one team to another, going where they are needed most.
Family Possibilities
What brings us together?
Mama's Village aims to expand the world of possibilities with a simple, whole, natural, organic, reproducible way for mothers, sisters, aunties, grandmas, and others, to organize and distribute the load of the different responsibilities that we take being a family.
Your team members commit to supporting each other, through connection, communication, financially, emotionally, energetically, materially, at the best of each one's capacity. Your core team commits to meeting regularly, once a week or every two weeks depending on each team and individual's capacity.
Cyclical Weekly Meeting
Rhtyhm & focus of support
You create or find a team to work with, 3 to 6 people, this will your core team. With this team you'll meet on a weekly or biweekly basis to support one person in the team, rotating to the next person in the following cycle.
Your core team commits to meeting regularly, once a week or every two weeks depending on each team and individual's capacity. The commitment is to support each other, through connection, communication, financially, emotionally, energetically, materially, at the best of each one's capacity.
How to Play?
Playing is essential part of our well being. Playing sits at the core of what makes the network become alive and thrive, instead of just surviving and making it through the day. As adults is important to reclaim our power to play and create gameworlds that are infinite, expansive, valuable and regenerative. This is not a fantasy illusory world, this is a very real world where deep transformations happen and are held in a safe space, Mama's Village has the capacity to hold a group of people engaged in their true self, in what's real, thia gameworld is created for working together and grow up along the process.
Getting started & Sign-up
Read through this page to learn all you can about Mama's Village gameworld. Contact us if you have additional questions or comments.
Ready to enter the Mamas Village gameworld?
Sign-up by filling out this form:
Find your team
Invite others that you trust to play and to provide support for your team. You also have the option to get assigned to a team that is near you that matches your needs/offerings for support.Get initiated
Get initiated by your team or by a member of another more experienced team. Depending on your location and needs of support defined in the signup form process.
Ready to play
Start playing the experiments below. The experiments create the language connections to communicate with your team. Coordinate with your team to participate in the weekly meetings.Give and receive support.
The game begins. You have arrived.
Experiment 1. Set the context
In a world that is currently going through huge transformation, clarity seems to be the most valuable currency around. Reclaiming your power to play doesn't come easy as we've been forced into logical boxes that protected us in the past and thanks to them it got us here. Your capacity to play grows with raising your awareness to the games that you are currently playing. In your daily life, for 1 to 2 months, dedicate a part of your attention to become aware of the games that you're playing. For example, money game, mama game, school game, food game, drinking games, owning games. We're constantly switching from one game to the next with or without our awareness.
In your journey notebook write down the games that you're playing. Write down the games that others are playing. One of the most basic structure that is present in many of the games that we play unconsciously is the "low-drama triangle" that consists of 3 role players: 1) victim 2) persecutor 3) rescuer. You can learn more about this here. This Experiment starts developing our sensibility to the games that we and others play. Eventually leading to reclaiming more power to play the games that you actually want to play with other adults. Thank you for playing full out.
Permaculture World
Inner Permaculture + Outer Permaculture = Whole Permaculture
Biodiversity makes resilient ecosystems
Permaculture lenses allow us to SEE each other as parts of a functioning system, an ecosystem, where each one of us has a way of growing, a way of being, a way of receiving, a way of giving. This allows us to truly truly appreciate, and see the value of each other and of biodiversity. In our diversity we find the hidden gifts that each one of us carry and wants to bring to the village.
Permaculture initiates our awareness on group consciousness, activities, routines, observing, feedback, coaching/motivation, relationships, support, connections, respect, organization, nature, and more.
More on whole permaculture here
Learn more about building village, next culture and team work.
Wholepermaculture.mystrikingly.comVillage Seeds
Initiations Adulthood
Emotional healing process
Your team
Get in touch
Questions, comments, concerns, ideas? Let's connect.
© 2019